Friday, December 4, 2009

What was the funniest blooper you spotted in a serious movie?

Or have you ever spotted any bloopers in any movies, that caused you to laugh at an inappropriate time in the theater?

What was the funniest blooper you spotted in a serious movie?performing art center

A John Wayne western where a bus drove across the horizon behind him. I believe he was adressing the bad guys at the time. In westerns of the time it was also common to see jet trails in the sky, when the movie was supposed to be set in the 1800's.

What was the funniest blooper you spotted in a serious movie?theatre tickets opera theater

I didn't see it in theaters, but I always thought that the stormtrooper hitting his head on that door in the first Star Wars movie was pretty funny.
in the movie " Memphis Belle " the inaccuracies of where the plane was sent on it's missions. was taking a U.S. history course at the time this movie came out and a fellow student used the movie instead of researching the actual event. he got into trouble for this
We didn't laugh during "Dances With Wolves" but we did later about Mary Mcdonnell's layered haircut. I am certain that women in that period of history didn't have a modern hairstyle like that. In some movies set in much earlier times, the women have hair styles that would be appropriate for Go Go dancers.

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