Friday, December 4, 2009

Are movies coming to and end to be replaced by the live theater?

And is every celebrity giving up Hollywood life?

Are movies coming to and end to be replaced by the live theater?opera cd

no way

Are movies coming to and end to be replaced by the live theater?opera singer opera theater

resurgence in live theatre would be nice, provided there was a resurgence in talent, on and off the stage
NO! Movies bring in too much money!

I don't think I could handle watching live theaters very often. (I have seen only a handful in my 30 years of life)

As for the celebrity giving up Hollywood life, I think it is only so they are written about...
More movies are being created per year than were filmed in approximately five or more years decades ago in Hollywood. Just check the yearly list at Wikipedia's yearly release site. You will be shocked at the quantity of films being made.

Theaters are struggling for life. Only the major ones keep going. Few towns and cities have theaters and are too far from major ones for most people to travel there. Should I want to attend a theatrical performance, I would have to travel more than 100 miles, and the city I live in is a nice-size one, centrally located in the state. If I can't get to the theater, how are others to do it, especially those who live in rural areas? A smattering of theaters in major cities is overwhelmed by the number of movie theaters.

There's absolutely no way that movies are on their way out. Besides, do you think that the major stars would accept such a cut in salary for having to perform more often instead of completing a project then looking for another? Most actors and actresses want more of a challenge; they don't want to play the same role in the same play/musical for possibly years. Some do love the theater, but I doubt that many would choose it as their only way of life.
wonders if your nuts.

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